Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Post

My names Jennifer, I'm sixteen and I live in Ireland. My life is normal to an extreme most of the time but sometimes thats the best way to have it. That way when something extradordinary happens you know all about it.

I'm going to have to give you the basics wether you like it or not. Otherwise this whole thing would be out of context. Simple Q&A formula will work best I think!

Name: Jennifer. Jen to my friends as well as the creeper in my class who has a strange obsession with me.

Age: Sixteen... soon to be seventeen. Am in my 5th year in my local secondary school. Two more years to go till absolute freedom!

How I came across blogger: I'm not a stalker but I occasionaly like to google peoples names. Not in a weird, pervy kind of way but mostly just to laugh at the bizzare results. For example google my full name and I'm apparently a canadian folk singer, WTF? Anyway, back to the point... I googled this girl in my class, we're gonna call her L., and came up with her blog. I spent awhile reading it and was instantly jealous of her blog. I was like 'if she can do it, so can I!' Hence, The Life of Jennifer was born.

Interests: I love reading and writing. My guilty pleasure is fanfiction... some of it is just sooo good. Daydreaming about the guy I am secretly in love with, hanging out with my friends, bickering and playing piano - badly.

Moving on from the basics... there is more I'm just too lazy/tired to write out more!

Here are three random facts about me:

1. I have a self diagnosed case of OCD. Seriously. I have an obsession with the numbers three and seven and like for everything to me arranged in them. In this blog you will never see two exclamation marks together it will always be three. My personal philosophy about my OCD routines is if it doesn't really bother me to have to do it, I'm just going to keep on doing it.

2. I work in a supermarket in my local town as a cashier. I was made get the job by my parents and at first I hated it, but now I love it. It's just on Saturdays but I spend all week looking forward to it. It doesn't hurt that the guy I like works there too, sigh. Working there is always hilarious and most of us get on really well together.

3. I was a walking stereotype from fourteen to fifteen. We're talking glasses and braces. Luckily I got them removed last year and I wear contacts a lot now too though I prefer my glasses. Much more comfortable.


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